Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Ginger Rogers ... Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies

These cookies are gorgeous - try not to astaire.  Ginger dances with cocoa, cinnamon, dark brown sugar and semi-sweet chocolate chips to create a chewy, sugar coated cookie.  A talented little cookie indeed.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Archimedes ... Traditional Apple π

Tart apples PLUS gobs of sugar MULTIPLIED by sweet creamy butter 
DIVIDED by Thanksgiving tradition EQUALS apple pie heaven.  
This all butter crust (or pâte brisée as the math geeks call it) wraps
around softened apples and a thick, rich sugar gravy. 

How many servings do you think you can handle? 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510....

The Steven Spielberg ... Director's CUTcakes

Steve's film making approach involves many complicated tactics, including noshing on these movie theme cupcakes in between takes.  Film canister oreo's, black licorice wire bundles and mini marshmallow popcorn cups are a must on any film set.  Lights, camera, action - cupcakes!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Owl City ... Owl Cake Pop

Who gives a hoot about calories when it comes to owl cake pops?!  Candy pieces (candy necklace o's, orange starburst, heart shaped candies and m&m's) double as these owls' sweet features. 


Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Vampire Weekend ... Peanut Butter Halloween Treats

Who gives a funk about a Halloween cupcake?  I do - a lot.  I care about rich, delicious peanut butter cupcakes.  I care about orange nonpareil jack-o-lanterns, vanilla frosted mummies with m&m eyeballs and vampire bitten treats dripping with sugary paper blood.  I can't imagine my Halloween weekend without these cute mini monsters!  :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Kevin Costner ... Corn on the Cob Cupcakes

In a field of baking dreams, these cupcakes are a homerun.  Vanilla cupcakes, jelly bean "kernels," and taffy "pats of butter."  Simply put, if you bake them, they will come.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Le Coco Chanel ... Chocolate/Chambord/Eiffel Tower Cupcakes

Much like Coco's quest for expensive simplicity, these classic chocolate cupcakes are escalated to couture baked goods with a Chambord laced frosting and a "hand-sewn" Eiffel tower.  I may not be able to afford the Chanel brand right now, but I can certainly afford the cocoa. :)